Monday, June 29, 2009

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

What can wash away my sin
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

What can feed the starving babe
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can free the captive slave
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

What can cause a war to cease
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Reconcile hatred and make-peace
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

We sing a liberation song
And it´s the blood of Jesus
One day the whole world will sing along
About the blood of Jesus

So we were singing this song last night during our team worship. You are all probably familiar with the song, but maybe not so much with this version. My leader Stephan Schallert wrote the verses, which I think are very powerful. Anyway, I just wanted to make note because for some reason I was just weeping last night when we started singing this. The passion of Jesus and what he did for us is just overwhelming to me. Also the possibilities of what Jesus' sacrifice can reconcile struck me like the biggest tidal wave last night. All I want is to share His LOVE to the world and teach people how to love one another like we are meant to- as brothers and sisters in Christ. All Children of God. As a team we strive to be an example of this love by loving God and one another with our entire selves. By sacrificing anything for one another in Jesus' name. That is unity if you ask me. And I feel so blessed by the Lord to be here. 
That's all...thanks for reading :)
Also, please read the last is long but it tells a lot of what I am doing!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

PANAMA and beyond!

Hi everyone!

So I made it to Panama!! We have internet kinda whenever it works, its wireless so it depends on the mood of the adapter i guess. I will try to update my blog once a week from now on to keep you up to date!

So I guess Ill just share a little bit of what I will be doing here. I also will share a bit about track since I haven't officially announced anything about it!

So first of all, about Panama! The YWAM base here was full so my team is staying in a church now! I am sleeping in the sunday school room, its quite cute! :) We do have to sleep on the floor, and the showers are just faucets outside...but thats okay because the church is literally a stones throw away from the Panama canal...which is super cool! The town that the church is in is called Gambo...its this little town that used to be where all the US citizens resided before the canal was given over to Panama. Now just some scientists from the Smithsonian (yeah i know random, good evangelism opportunity ;) ) are here and canal keepers. There is no road out of Gambo so people are either coming in or going out, no passing through. Interesting huh? So today we got oriented and we found out about the orphan problem in Panama which is probably what we will be working with during the time we are in the Panama city. Apparently there are 50,000 orphans in Panama and the adoption/ foster program pretty much doesn't exist. People do not want these orphans. So there are a lot of orphanages where a lot of horrible things go on like sexual abuse and physical abuse. Plus, they don't get normal attention... they are emotionally deprived and babies are left in their cribs- never held or loved, so they dont develop correctly. So this couple Matt and Misty from North Carolina moved here in October (they left behind a very well off and comfortable life!!) to start making changes in the adoption system. They are trying to raise awareness about the problems in the orphanages and get adoption on the map as an option for Panaminians. All the while they are loving on kids as much as possible. So over the next few months we will be helping them with these things!! I am very excited, God has really stirred up my heart for this issue! I am sure I will be doing more here, and I will let you know when I know. Our schedule is pretty flexible which I like!

The rest of the time we are here will be spent with indigenous tribes. There are problems with some tribes losing their culture because they were taught about Christianity i't allowed to speak at all, and their musical backgrounds are forgotten about because music is "wrong". So we are hoping to try and help them bring their culture back!

Not all tribes are like this, in other tribes we will just learn about their culture and teach them about Jesus if they haven't heard!

So, as you can imagine I am very excited to be here!!

We will also be speaking in schools and churches about what it is that PhotogenX (the program I am in) and Voice for the Voiceless (the ministry that our leaders started) do to get people excited and interested :)

Next, I want to share briefly about track.

Track is something I am so excited about.

Track will take me around the world for the next year.

It is an extended version of PhotogenX)

I will be doing school (studying photography, the Bible, worldview and religion) as well as using my photography to fight injustice. It is such a unique tool. Not only does photography impact people who see the photos, but it can impact the people you photograph. It is so neat how taking a photo of someone can validate a persons existence. They say "why would you want to take a photo of me?", or, "I am so ugly, no one loves me, don't take a picture of me" And thats where I as a Christian photographer step in and say "That is not true. You are a beautiful child of God. He loves you more than you can possible imagine" People want this love. And I am so excited that I am able to bring them God's love through Jesus.

So that is our goal. To address issues like sex tourism, human trafficking, infanticide, child pornography/prostitution, hunger/starvation, and many more by bringing the Word to people oppressed by the issues and bring them God's love.

We will photograph them and then at the end of the year traveling we will go back to Hawaii and make a publication (maybe a movie or a book) that addresses these issues...and then we will tour the western world (Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand) and share about what we saw in churches and schools using our publication. It is very exciting. This is going to be an awesome year.

Here is a VERY brief schedule

September-December 2009- South Africa- second photography course

January-March 2010- Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Turkey, and other parts of the middle east- we will study the Bible ON LOCATION!

April-end of June 2010- Europe, India, Asia-studying worldview and religion

July-December 2010- Kona- producing publication

January-March 2011- Western world- sharing our publication, raising awareness about issues

April 2011- Debrief in Kona- IM DONE!

LONG trek huh? I feel so blessed and excited to be able to do it!!

The track is 1,200 a month, so if you feel inspired by what I am doing and would like to help support me that would be AMAZING :)

THANK you for reading!! Sorry this was so long! Hope it was informational!

Thank you for all your prayers and support thus far, I REALLY appreciate it :)

God is so good isnt he? When i was flying into Panama the sun was setting, the clouds were beautiful, the landscape looked amazing, and I got this overwhelming feeling of God's love...and care...for every single person in this country and the world. And how he pays attention to detail, he delights in creating beautiful clouds for us to look at. He delights in all of His children. AH. I seriously was tearing up and all I could do was sing worship because HE IS SO GOOD! Just wanted to share :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

In my previous blog I talked about....

We spent all of last week going around the island of Hawai'i getting to know the people who live here and sharing the gospel as the Lord led us. 
It was an incredible adventure where I learned so much about using photography as a way to evangelize. I am so excited to see how God can continue to use this passion of mine to expand His kingdom in Panama and on my around the world adventure. 
The theme of our photos that we will exhibit next weekend downtown Kona is CONTRAST. (read more about this in my previous blog)
We went out with the intention of pouring out God's love on these people by showing interest in their stories and giving them a sense of validation through taking their photos. And I really felt like this purpose was fulfilled in many ways! It was so exciting to shine the light of Jesus in me onto the vast spectrum of the Hawaiian people.

Skate night- A ministry on the University of the Nations campus every tuesday night. VERY cool! Teens from all over Kona come!
This is Vada Rose. A sweet lady who has been selling Kona coffee at this little stand downtown Kona for many years! She is 80 years old! Unfortunately, she is not a believer.

This is Ronald and Georgianna Wilcox. They own this video rental store called Two Sisters in a little town just north of Waipio Valley called Honoka'a. She is Hawaiian, he is from Iowa :) Non-Christians.
This is Daniel and Mana. They have both lived in Honoka'a their entire lives and have known eachother for just as long! Daniel loved to share about how they used to play baseball together.
They are not believers.  
I spent an hour at this beach praying for and shooting photos of the locals who were surfing and body boarding. 
This is Johnny. He is a veteran who meets with a friend every tuesday and thursday in Kona to tell stories and just hang out. He moved to Hawaii after his brother died leaving behind a 7 month old baby. He is a non Christian, but I am very excited because he was intrigued by what photogenX does. He will be attending our photo exhibition! 

I shared with you the status of their beliefs simply because I am praying for them, and if you feel led to after seeing these photos, you can as well! I am keeping in e-mail contact with most of them and hoping to continue to show them God's love and joy. 

More to come soon about OUTREACH :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

10 week update

Hello friends and family!
I apologize that I havent updated in so long! 
The good news is that I havent been slacking because I am lazy, its just because I have been busy learning and building relationships! 
So I have now been here for 10 weeks. WOW! That means that I leave for outreach in 2 weeks!! 
God is so good.
I am so excited about his love. It has been poured out on me in so many ways in the past 10 weeks.
First of all...I am so blessed by my supporters. Thank you to all of you who have given to me financially and for all of the prayers!! I have managed to raise $161o/ $2390 for the second payment for my outreach to Panama. Only need $780 more by next week! (I'd greatly appreciate your prayers that God would provide this money :) )
So a little more about what is going on in my life.
Sadly, on outreach I will not be going to Cuba anymore. Why? Because they tax everything SO MUCH for Americans, it was cost us Americas $500 more to go!  But my team has been praying and we feel God has many opportunities for us to serve in Panama.
So we will be spending 10 weeks in Panama and then off to South Africa 
But more about outreach to come....
This week we are doing local outreach which has been an amazing learning experience.
It is so awesome practicing what it means to love on people. To see value in everyone as God sees value in them. My team decided we wanted to go to Honokaa, a little town near Waipio valley (the place with the waterfall I posted pictures from earlier). We went yesterday and today, and I had the opportunity to meet some really cool locals and talk with them about Jesus. I will post pictures from this time later this week.
We will be having a photo exhibition next week of pictures taken this week during local outreach. The theme that we have been assigned to look for is contrast. Contrast of what Hawaii looks like to the outside world, and what it is actually like to live here. Old people, young people. Rich, poor. Free, oppressed. Christian, Athiest. Dark and light skinned. Hot, cold. Really any variety of contrast. I am very excited to see how this exhibition turns out! It will be on the Kona boardwalk so tourists and locals alike can see what we captured in this beautiful (and sometimes not so beautiful) place called Hawaii. 
More to come on all of this!! Just wanted to fill you all in! 
Thank you again for your prayers!!! 